
Training professionals of the future

Academia has a perfect match with medicine and research. It can help to be aware, open-minded to novel concepts and new points of view of future talents.

Probably never I was good at teaching, but the experience has permit me to improve the skills and attitudes to develop it with success. All started at Biochemistry and Genetics Department in University of Navarre enrolled in academia, taking part of teaching as internal student in the subjects: genetics and statistics. During my PhD program I participated as a lecturer of Enzymology (Grade in Biology).

Otherwise I have taught as lecturer of General pathology in the Grade of Biomedicine of University Francisco de Vitoria (UFV; Madrid), and Physiology and Physiopathology lecturer in GoFIR Academy for candidates to access to residency programmes.

Finally, I participate as a resident physicians representative in the Teaching commission at the Hospital Universitario de Fundación Jiménez Díaz (Madrid).

Academia Projects:

  • Management and support to student of Biology and Medicine for developing their final research project for grade and master.
  • Responsible for the direction of Laboratory Rotation for Grade in Biology students
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